Drive Local Traffic with SEO: Boost your Business with WJ Media Group

Blog, SEO

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. For local businesses, optimizing your website for search engines—commonly known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization)—is particularly important. SEO can significantly enhance your visibility, drive local traffic to your website, and ultimately boost your business. At WJ Media Group, we […]

SEO Marketing for Cannabis Brands in NJ

Blog, Cannabis Marketing, SEO

As the cannabis industry rapidly evolves in the state of New Jersey, so does the competitive landscape. Brands are continuously seeking ways to rise above the noise and genuinely connect with their audience. One crucial method that has proven time and time again to be invaluable for businesses in various sectors is Search Engine Optimization […]

The Importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Small Businesses


Understanding the importance of SEO for Small Businesses: In today’s digital age, establishing an online presence is important for the success of any small business. With the majority of consumers turning to search engines like Google to find products and services, it has become essential for businesses to prioritize Search Engine Optimization (SEO). By implementing […]

SEO Tips for Cannabis Websites & E-Commerce Stores

Advertisement, Blog, Branding, Cannabis Marketing, SEO, Web Design

Build in-depth Product Pages Your product pages are the most important pages on your e-commerce website. In order to rank your product pages well. They will need a number of upgrades that will help rank them better in search engines. Step 1: Write Long Form Product Descriptions Just like category pages, the product pages should […]

7 Tips For Setting Up Your Website

Advertisement, Blog, SEO, Web Design

Learn From Previous Site You can learn so much from your existing website if you have one! Assessing what worked and what didn’t is the first step. if you weren’t hitting your ROI or business goals from your existing site. There will be numerous ways you can improve the customer journey experience for your new […]

A Strong SEO Strategy Has Three Core Components

Blog, SEO

SEO Strategy Core Components There are a variety of ways you can optimize your website to rank higher in Google Search. It is important to have a strong SEO strategy that’s comprised of these three core components: technical setup, content, and links. Focusing on these three components while keeping the user at the center will […]

5 SEO Tips for Cannabis Marketers in 2022

Blog, Cannabis Marketing, SEO

1. Do in-Depth Keyword and Competitor Research You should appreciate the fact that you are not the only CBD business online and therefore check what competitors are doing to rank higher on google searches. Of course, you should only check the ones performing well online. Check to know the kind of strategy your competitor is employing to […]

Cannabis eCommerce Websites: 5 Must-Have Features

Blog, Cannabis Marketing, Design, SEO

Independent eCommerce Platform When deciding how to sell cannabis online, retailers can either use a third-party marketplace or have their own eCommerce website. In the long run, owning an independent eCommerce platform is certainly a better option than using a marketplace. Having your own cannabis eCommerce website gives you complete control over the design, product […]

Cannabis Marketing & SEO in 2022

Cannabis Marketing, SEO

Organic Traffic is Your Best Friend Paid search is usually an obvious channel for eCommerce companies to invest in. Unfortunately, it’s not the best option if you intend on targeting a lot of popular cannabis-related products. Google categorizes cannabis as a “dangerous product” under the subcategory “Recreational drugs”, which it defines as: “Ads for substances […]

What Makes a Great Website in 2022?

Blog, SEO, Web Design

Well Designed and Functional Your site reflects your company, your products, your services, and ultimately your brand. Visual appeal, polish, and professionalism are crucial. Allow white space, uncluttered layouts with quality photographs and graphics look, and let your message shine through. Equally important, the site must work quickly, correctly, and as expected. Build to web […]

Cannabis Marketers’ Top Digital Marketing Methods

Blog, Branding, Cannabis Marketing, SEO

Cannabis Marketers’ Top Digital Marketing Methods Cannabis marketers’ top digital marketing methods are explained here. Researchers from the Cannabis Marketing Association, New Frontier Data, and NXTeck completed the 2022 Cannabis Digital Marketing Survey. Their findings indicate the following methods are most effective for cannabis businesses and their ancillary businesses: -Website/blog: 64% -Email marketing: 53% -Social […]

What Cannabis Brands Need to Know About Content Marketing and SEO in 2022

Blog, Cannabis Marketing, SEO

Invest in the Right Tactics Recent studies show content marketing is most successful for brands that focus on the right tactics. According to survey respondents, the following 10 tactics will be most helpful to brands in 2021: Improving content quality: 55% Search engine optimization (SEO): 46% Creating more video and visual content: 41% Updating and […]