Blog, Branding, Cannabis Marketing, Design, Logo Design


The logo of your cannabis brand should determine the overall brand’s visual direction. Start by focusing on your logo when rebranding or building your business. In addition, you can use it to build out the rest of your visual identity strategically. Think beyond what looks good when making creative decisions for your logo. Make sure the design aligns with the values and messaging of your business. There is no doubt that your cannabis brand’s logo plays an important role in the look of your business.

The reason for this is that it serves as a brand identifier. An effective brand logo will do three things: 1.) build trust and brand recognition. 2.) make your cannabis company or brand stand out from the competition. 3.) visually represent your brand in the most basic form. To avoid distractions, you should design your logo in black and white at first. The next step is to explore colors once your design has been solidified.


Color plays a critical role in your cannabis brand’s look and feel. Different colors evoke different emotions and often serve as a first impression for the customer. Take time to review the psychology of color. Then choose a color palette that will speak to your core demographic in the cannabis community. Color is a great way to contribute to your cannabis brand’s look and feel while adding versatility to your designs. Take advantage of the color palette that you choose – it is a chance to visually communicate with your customers. Colors can also increase recognition up to 80 percent for your cannabis brand. They further end up being the biggest reason consumers decide to buy!


Similar to a photo or icon, fonts are a great way to elevate your designs and content. Your font choice is a way to express your cannabis brand’s personality. As well as the atmosphere you’d like to create when presenting your name and tagline in your logo. Be careful not to choose too many fonts – remember you want to stay consistent. You should choose fonts each with a specific purpose – some for print and some for the web. To determine the best font for your cannabis brand’s look and feel. Make sure that they read well, are visually pleasing, and use them throughout all your branding assets.


You can boost your business and tap into your viewers’ visual senses by investing in quality photography. When a cannabis brand prioritizes professional photographs to showcase itself. Then they’re more likely to stand out among their competitors in the industry. By placing customers in the environment of the photograph, photography elevates a cannabis brand’s look and feel. It can make a potential client feel more trusting of a provider. Use photography as a tool to elevate your design elements and create consistency across all your social media platforms. Including flyers, website design, and collateral. A good tip is to find a set of photos that you love. Then use those exclusively across all of your cannabis brand assets. This will give your designs visual cohesiveness.


Once you’ve finalized all your design elements. It’s time to build out your most important cannabis brand look and feel asset and promotional tool – your website. Often entrepreneurs make the mistake of prioritizing their website design and treating the logo as an afterthought. Having your logo ready first, allows you to incorporate your cannabis branding colors and fonts into a website. In addition to the photos that you have chosen. To ensure your website and logo work in tandem. Further, implement your core logo colors throughout the web pages as accent colors.

Consider also using your logo’s secondary colors to establish an even stronger connection. Make sure to take advantage of your website because it serves as your online store and often replaces print publications. Further, your website plays a key role in supporting your cannabis brand, facilitating sales, and generating leads. A website is a perfect way to display your cannabis brand’s look and feel. This is because it delivers your marketing message all day, every day.