New York Issues First Licenses to 36 Legal Cannabis Dispensaries


New York issued its first 36 cannabis dispensary licenses New York Dispensaries are now set to open sooner than later, with the Cannabis Control Board taking a monumental step in establishing a legal and lucrative marketplace for recreational marijuana. The licenses approved by the state’s CCB were the first the state plans to issue. Many […]

New York Revises the Cannabis Packaging, Labeling, Marketing, and Advertising Regulations


On November 21, the New York Cannabis Control Board revised the Cannabis packaging, labeling, marketing, and advertising regulations, filing these changes to the state with public comment. This revised, 36-page document outlines a variety of rules protecting against advertising practices that do not “jeopardize public health or safety, promote youth use, or be attractive to individuals […]

What Does Elon Musk’s Twitter Mean for Marketing your business


Elon Musk, the self-proclaimed Chief Twit, purchased Twitter and immediately started unleashing his changes. It’s hard to tell if 100% of his visions are actually going to hit the site, but there’s a good chance a lot of them do. Here are what some of these changes will mean for you and your business on […]